Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

7.1 Practicing Civic Reflection_Active Citizens

7.1 Practicing Civic Reflection_Active Citizens

Q Begin by listening to Okay by Lowell Jaeger. Then join the Discussion three times this week, first for clarification of the reading, then for interpretation of the reading, and finally, to discuss the implications of the reading. By Monday, join this discussion and respond to these questions of clarification: Begin by clarifying what you feel is happening in the story, asking for clarity where you're not sure. Why is the man standing in the road? Who is he and what happened to him? Who is in the car? Who is driving the car? Where are they? What kind of day is it? On Wednesday, come back to respond to these questions of interpretation: Should the driver have stopped to pick up the man in the road? Why does the narrator feel stuck?

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The poem “Okay” by Lowell Jaeger is about a man who is returning home from a trip to Hot Springs and while driving on the way back with wife and children, they come across a drunk man, and even they initially decide not to stop, eventually stop and give the man and his bleeding dog a ride. The poem encourages thought about various things but focuses on one important theme of conversation between two distinct individuals. Even though the family wants to help the man and his injured do, being a Sunday, they cannot do much, and therefore, they decide to leave him near a payphone.